Our History


Our History

In 2001, Smile Lighting was founded by by Mr. Colin Jiang after more than 10 year devotion to lighting industry. It started small, operating out of a small workshop in Zhongshan city, but quickly gained a reputation for their high-quality products and exceptional customer service.

Over the next few years, the company expanded its product line and began to sell its products to distributors and retailers across the country. In 2005, they enlarged their the factory, which allowed them to increase production and improve efficiency. This led to a significant increase in sales and revenue, and the company continued to grow rapidly.

In 2010, the company introduced its first LED lighting products, which quickly became a bestseller. This was a major milestone for Smile, as LED technology was still relatively new at the time, and many customers were skeptical about its effectiveness. However, their products proved to be highly effective and reliable, and they soon became a leader in the LED lighting market.

In 2019, Smile Lighting further expanded its product lines to include smart lighting solutions that could be controlled through mobile devices and voice assistants. This move helped the company stay ahead of industry trends and appeal to tech-savvy customers.

In 2021, the company celebrated its 20th anniversary and announced plans to invest in new technologies to improve energy efficiency and sustainability across its product lines.

In 2022, Smile prepared to opened its first international office, which allowed them to expand into new markets and increase their global reach. They also began to invest heavily in research and development, with the goal of creating even more advanced and efficient lighting solutions.

Today, the company is a leading manufacturer of professional lighting solutions, with a wide range of products designed for use in commercial, industrial, and residential settings. They continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible in the lighting industry, with a focus on sustainability, energy efficiency, and exceptional quality.


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